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How it works:
A pair of probes sit on opposite sides of a weld. One of the probes emits an ultrasonic pulse that is picked up by the probe on the other side. In undamaged pipe, the signals picked up by the receiver probes are from two waves: one that travels along the surface and one that reflects off the far wall. When a crack is present, there is a diffraction of the ultrasonic wave from the tip(s) of the crack. Using the measured time of flight of the pulse, the depth of a crack tip can be calculated automatically by simple trigonometry.


What we offer:
TOFD – Ultrasonic Time of Flight Diffraction testing (Encoded data acquisition and discontinuity mapping) is Fast, Accurate, Traceable, and Archivable. 


  • Accurate defect positioning and sizing

  • Precise sizing capability makes it an ideal flaw monitoring method

  • Quick to set up and perform an inspection, as a single beam offers a large area of coverage

  • Rapid scanning with imaging and full data recording

  • corrosion inspection

  • ON SITE immediate results:

  • Fast inspection of small- and large-diameter welds

  • 100 % volumetric weld coverage

  • Adaptable to butt welds, circumferential welds, long seams, one-sided access configuration, and most common weld profiles

  • Digital archiving of inspection data

  • Fast and accurate sizing of discontinuities

  • Portable for in-house and field inspections

  • Improved productivity compared to radiography

  • Improved probability of detection (POD) compared to radiography

  • Combining Different Techniques for Full-Weld Coverage and Improved Efficiency.

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